
Shibaura Group Standards of Conduct

Objectives of the Standards of Conduct

Based on the “Shibaura Group Standards of Conduct”, we promote informed compliance with laws and regulations, social norms and ethical standards by the group as a whole, and have developed and maintain systems to ensure full observance of the Standards of Conduct.

1. Human Rights

2. Customer Satisfaction

3. Procurement

4. Production and Technology, Quality Assurance

5. Marketing and Sales

6. Competition Law and Government Transactions

7. Bribery

8. Environment

9. Export Control

10. Antisocial Groups

11. Engineering Ethics

12. Intellectual Property Rights

13. Accounting

14. Corporate Communications

15. Advertising

16. Workplace

17. Information Security

18. Company Assets and Conflict of Interest

19. Community Relations

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance System

Shibaura Mechatronics has a management structure that consists of directors, corporate auditors and accounting auditors, and an audit system. We have established a Corporate Audit Division that reports directly to the President (*CEO) to handle the mechanisms for audits of business execution and internal controls, and this organization conducts audits of the adequacy and efficiency of management activities, with a focus on business execution.
In addition, legal audits are carried out by corporate auditors and accounting audits by accounting auditors and together they are responsible for the audit function of the Group.
We meet the requirements of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Japan SOX law), with internal control systems for financial reporting. The Management Audit Division monitors their implementation and maintains their operational status.
The board of directors is responsible for nominating senior executives and directors, and for determining remuneration. In order to reinforce its independence, objectivity and accountability in carrying out these functions, the Company has established a voluntary independent advisory organization, the Personnel and Remuneration Advisory Committee.
The committee’s members are appointed by the board, and it has a majority of two outside directors to one representative director. It meets as necessary to discuss matters related to personnel affairs, and the remuneration of directors and executive officers, and reports its results to the board.
* CEO: Chief Executive Officer

Corporate Governance System

Corporate Governance System

Risk Compliance

Risk Compliance System

“Risk Management Regulations” grounded in the “Shibaura Group Standards of Conduct” define preventative measures and countermeasures against risk.

Risk Management System

Risk Compliance System

Report System

The Group has established a risk consultation hotline as a means to prevent risk associated with compliance violations, to detect any such risk at an early stage, and to ensure a prompt and appropriate response.
The risk consultation hotline is a channel that provides Group employees, both in full-time and temporary employment, with a contact point, one that can also be used anonymously, for receiving consultation or reporting on compliance issues.
It is also possible for users of the service to request consultation with a lawyer who is an outside director of Shibaura Mechatronics.
In addition, we are concerned to ensure that whistleblowers who make reports to the system do not suffer for doing so. The "Shibaura Group Code of Conduct" clearly states that, as a protective measure, the names of people who make reports will not be disclosed without their consent.